West Michigan Preppers is a Kent, Ottawa and Mecosta County,
Michigan based Mutual Assistance Group for prepping.

The goal is to share ideas, skills, knowledge and form a mutual assistance group if the need arises.
There are no fees, no affiliate links and nothing to sell you here. We are just an organization of people who can count on each other in a crisis.

What is West Michigan Preppers all about?

Everyone in the prepping communities agree the lone wolf and single families will not survive a long term crisis.
Security to protect your preps and manpower for survival tasks will require a team.
West Michigan Preppers is a Kent and Ottawa County, Michigan based group of like-minded people
who are preparing to survive if a crisis takes place.
There are no ranks, no hierarchy and no CEO or President. Currently there is one organizer.
We are ethical, moral, and have Christian values. We believe in the Constitution, law and order and hold conservative views.
If you are triggered by the American flag, woke or require special pronouns this group is probably not for you. We are pro-law enforcement and pro-military.
This is not a militia. However, while firearms are not the primary focus, they are a component.
Therefore no felons will be admitted to the group as we need everyone to be legally armed or at least comfortable around firearms.
People who are veterans, law enforcement and people with medical skills are encouraged to apply. Gardening, construction and bushcraft skills also desired.

Are you just beginning? Reach out! We will help you get started.

Want to know more? Please read the FAQ further below.


Wondering if the West Michigan Preppers MAG is right for you? Check out the FAQ to learn more about us.

Why should we start prepping?

Get some quick prepping tips:
Quick Prepping Tips
Some good information here at shtfblog.com

The world and our country is facing a myriad of tough circumstances right now. Major countries are on a war footing. Russia has invaded Ukraine and is threatening other countries as well. China is openly threatening Tawain and The Phillipines. The USA is allied with many countries under threat. There is a real possibility of a world war looming.
If you are thinking "yea, but it was similar in WWII" here is where you are wrong: In the 30's and 40's the USA and most countries were not so reliant on other countries for food and materials. Yes, imports existed. But not to the extent they do now. The "global supply chain" we have now was not in place.
Food in particular was sourced locally mostly.
Due to Covid19 and the war in Eastern Europe the supply chain is under threat.

Food in particular is under a lot of pressure now. Russia is the world's largest supplier of fertilizer. It has stopped all exports of that now. The lack of fertilizer has driven the price of it sky-high. Some farmers did not plant as yields would be too small without it and too expensive with it. Food prices will remain under pressure. And the Fed raising interest rates to qwell inflation will not help here since people must eat.
Here in the USA the social and political divide is the worst in decades. Probably as bad as during and shortly after the civil war. Inflation is out of control and the push for green energy has driven fossil fuels through the roof.
Our national debt is out of control and the government keeps spending as if its flush with cash.

All these factors combined leave a lot of risk for meltdown on a grand scale. A SHTF (Shit hit the fan) event.
While some of the above conditions have existed in the past all of them at the same time have not.

If food becomes scarce people who are unpreppared are going to panic. Civil breakdown could occur. Fantasy dooms day sayers? Maybe. Go read about what happened when Argentina collapsed in 2002.
Did the riots in 2020 get your attention? Imagine what that looks like when people are without food or basic services!
It may not be time right now to go run to the hills with your supplies. At this moment that would indeed be paranoia. But to be reasonably prepared just in case is not.
You may be thinking: "well, if civil unrest occurs I'll just packup and move to the forest" Experts all agree you and your family will die with this plan. Hunting, gathering and fishing will not go like you think it will. You will lack water, shelter and safety.
To survive through a crisis you need a team of people with prepared supplies and a bug out location if required.

West Michigan Preppers News

At the September meeting our HAM experts discussed comms and how to get started.
The group decided to set a fixed day each month to meet.
By vote the majority agreed to meeting the 2nd Saturday of each month at noon.

Upcoming meeting subjects:
October 2024:
Bring your bugout bag! All members will present and display what
they have in their bugout bags and share ideas and sources.
November 2024: We will discuss items for bartering in a SHTF scenario.

Want to learn more? Contact us:

Skills to work on

Long term food storage.
Water filtration and storage.
Grid down power alternatives.
Vegetable gardening.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

We encourage anyone interested in applying to the group to read the FAQs below.
There are 3 columns. If you are on mobile click the dots at the bottom to scroll left and right.

Contact Us

Dear spammers:
I have no revenue stream. This is a club, not a business.
I am not buying SEO services. Please stop wasting my time and yours!